Making An Appointment
Appointments can be arranged in the following ways:
- By personal visit to your surgery
- By telephone call to your surgery
- By using Patient Access on-line (click link above or the Patient Access logo on the Home Screen
Appointments can be:
- By telephone consultation
- Face to face with a clinician
- By on-line video link (see below)
When making an appointment, to ensure you are seen as quickly as possible, you will be offered an appointment with the next available clinician. We will however always consider a patient's wishes, should a specific clinician be requested. This however may take longer to arrange due to their availability.
If you are making an appointment by telephone, we will always answer your call as quickly as we can.
Our telephone lines are available to book appointments during surgery opening times. Surgery closing times ie Saturdays, Sundays and Bank Holidays are observed.
Do remember, our incoming telephone lines can often be extremely busy and there may be an inevitable waiting time before your call is answered. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
VIDEO CONSULTATIONS: Video consultations are a convenient and practical way to achieve an on-line ‘meeting’ with a clinician. This service can be arranged using the Livi application (see home screen logo link)
For your convenience, video consultations may be booked up to five days in advance of the consultation. However, if a ‘same day’ consultation is needed, it will be possible to join a ‘same day’ queue when consultations will take place in strict order of joining the queue.

Need to make an appointment? See opposite for guidance
Home Visits
Our clinicians will always try to give patients the best possible care and attention. Home visits however, can sometimes be restrictive simply because available clinical facilities at home are not as extensive as those available to us in our surgery. With this in mind, if at all possible, it is always preferable for a patient to be seen at our surgery.
Clearly, home visits should only be requested for those patients unable to attend the surgery because of serious illness and/or infirmity and whenever possible such requests should be made before 11. 00am.
A doctor will telephone a patient prior to making a home visit, to ensure this is the best course of action to take. Nevertheless, patients may be assured their welfare is always paramount when we consider which consultation path is the most appropriate to follow.

Making Home Visits
Our Text Reminder Service
Our texting service sends you confirmation and reminders about your appointments.
To receive this service you will need to register by completing a consent form (see opposite)
Please, always make sure we have your up to date contact details eg: address, telephone numbers and email.